Git/GitHub Lab
We’ll work in pairs: User A and User B
1. User A
Set up a new repository, locally
mkdir TestRepo
cd TestRepo
git init
Create or copy over a file or two and add them to the repository.
[edit the file]
git add
git commit
Go to your GitHub account and create a new repository
Connect your local repository to GitHub
git remote add origin
Push your local repository to GitHub
git push -u origin master
2. User B
Fork user A’s repository on GitHub: go to
and click the “Fork”
Clone your version of that repository locally
git clone
Change a file, and add another file
cd TestRepo
[change/copy files]
git add [filenames]
git commit
Push the changes to GitHub
git push
Make a pull request:
Go to your version of the repository on GitHub (
Click “Pull requests”
Click “New pull request”
Click “Create pull request”
Optionally add a comment
Click “Create pull request”
3. User A
Connect to User B’s repository
git remote add userB git://
Fetch the changes from User B
git fetch userB
Checkout their version of the repository as a local branch
git checkout -b userB userB/master
Check that you like the changes
Use git branch to see your branches; the asterisk indicates the one you’re currently on.
Switch back to (“checkout”) your master branch
git checkout master
Note that the files are in the state that you left them.
Merge their work into your master branch.
git merge userB
Push the work to github.
git push
Make another change to the file; then add, commit, and push.
4. User B
Add a connection to User A’s repository
git remote add userA git://
Fetch User A’s latest
git fetch userA
Check it out as a local branch
git checkout -b userA userA/master
Test things
Checkout your master, merge the change from User A, and push to github.
git checkout master
git merge userA
git push
5. Users A and B
Make simulateneous changes, then add, commit, and push.
6. User B
Pull User A’s change
git checkout userA
git pull userA master
Go back to your master branch and merge the change from User A.
git checkout master
git merge userA
Fix the merge conflict; then add, commit, push.
Make another pull request
7. User A
Fetch User B’s repository
git checkout userB
git pull userB master
Merge into your master branch
git checkout master
git merge userB
Push back to github
git push